Kitchen fronts and plinth panels replaced in the kitchen, by Huub

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Plinth panels
Because, when renovating our kitchen, the new dishwasher no longer needed a recess in the plinth, the plinths had to be replaced. A gaping hole remained. Because we have a black granite top, we have decided to also have the new skirting boards in black.

For this it seemed ideal to us if we were to use black MDF for this, which also turned out to be moisture-resistant immediately. could deliver this in exactly the right sizes, which was a bonus!

Pharmacy cabinet
We also wanted to turn a 15 cm wide unused wine bottle cabinet into a small pharmacy cabinet in the kitchen base cabinet.

Replace plinth panels

The skirting panels are made to measure exactly as specified; I can mount everything underneath the cupboards immediately, without adjustments. I reused the transparent plastic strip against rising damp. The plates for the skirting boards are finished so beautifully evenly, and also black through and through, that we no longer need to paint them.

The cabinet front supplied is also precisely tailored. After degreasing and painting in the same color as the other doors, I only had to assemble them.

The sizes used

The kitchen furniture has an L-shape measuring 505.0 x 197.0 centimeters. Cabinet fronts are 65.9 x 14.6 cm.

The supplied plates for the kitchen plinths and cupboard front matched exactly. The cabinet needed a front with the same dimensions and curves as the other doors. See the exact sizes on the right.

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81,29 €

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