Bulkhead doors for the attic replaced, by Sharon

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The knee bulkheads in the attic of me and my daughter have beautiful lacquer panels. Ready without finishing and perfectly fitting down to the millimeter.

Custom made bulkhead doors

First I removed the Old Scots. Then Measured on the millimeter and calculated how many Scots of what size I wanted. I did dowels between the Scots themselves so that a kind of guidance was created and the Scots fit perfectly. On the Scots I made double handles so that the Scots are easy to take out. I made two magnets per shot so that they click easily. I glued the metal part to the bulkhead.

The dimensions of the bulkhead doors

103.5x70.6 cm

Tip! Also check out our handy knitting tips!

How next?

Want to make this DIY project? Check out Sharon's saw list and complete your order easily.

299,46 €

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